June 24th, 6-9pm, Mission Garden, 946 W. Mission Lane San Juan Day celebrates the birthday of John the Baptist. In Tucson it is a day to celebrate the coming of the summer rains. Over two decades ago the celebration was revived in Tucson by the Menlo Park Neighborhood Association. This year it will again be...
Category: Children, Youth and Families
Friday, September 22, 2023, 5:30 to 8:30 PM, Menlo Park 325 N. Grande Ave. (near the playground) join us for a movie screening of Luca, starts at 6:45 PM. Bring a picnic blanket or a chair and enjoy the evening. Living Streets Alliance is supporting City of Tucson’s Department of Transportation and Mobility to improve...
25th Annual Día de san Juan Fiesta
June 24th, 6-10pm, Mission Garden, 946 W. Mission Lane San Juan Day celebrates the birthday of John the Baptist. In Tucson it is a day to celebrate the coming of the summer rains. Over two decades ago the celebration was revived in Tucson by the Menlo Park Neighborhood Association. This year it will again be held...
Casa Linda Pizza Party + Bicycle Boulevard Outreach
Mural Restoration at Casa Linda property, trash clean-up, pruning, and a PIZZA PARTY, with FREE bike repair and information about neighborhood traffic calming coming to Menlo Park, Saturday, April 29th, 4-6pm, 17 N Linda Ave. Join us to provide feedback on the plans for a Bicycle Boulevard, bring your bike for a free repair,...
Borderlands Theater Presents: West Side Stories
WEST SIDE STORIES is a theatrical festival celebrating Tucson’s west side heritage and cultural pride. Offering audiences, a chance to eat alfresco with loved ones, check out an interactive game show, engage in a heritage talk circle, walk through an augmented reality installation and experience a local story told through shadow box installations. All of...
Talk to us about Menlo Park (the Park!)
Neighbors, At the June neighborhood meeting I presented on the Parks and Connections bond passed in 2018, that allots funding towards key park projects in Menlo Park. Listed here: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/gov/prop407/Projects/MenloPark.pdf You requested an opportunity to meet with Parks and Rec and Ward 1 about finalizing those listed priorities and the order, and ask any questions and...
ENCLOSED- Neighborhood Progress Report
Hello neighbors! At the start of the 2018/19 year, 10 Focus Areas were established to guide our work as a community of neighbors, and some key deliverables within each that we wanted to accomplish between September 2018 and September 2019. I submitted a progress report to the Executive Board with my assessment of how we’re...
THIS WEEK: Rare opportunity to meet with TUSD Superintendent Trujillo
Hello Menlo Park, We have a rare opportunity to spend extended time with TUSD Superintendent Trujillo this Thursday at our neighborhood meeting. Come learn the future of TUSD education, what it means for our kids and those in our community, and also make the case for the re-opening of Menlo Park School! This is a...
NOTICE: Neighborhood Meeting with TUSD Superintendent – 4/11
Plan to join our next neighborhood meeting as Tucson Unified School District Superintendent Trujillo will spend an evening with us discussing his vision for TUSD schools. And, OUR vision for the revival of the Menlo Park School! This is an important evening, and we hope you’ll be there! Thursday, April 11, from 6pm-7:30pm at the...
Menlo Park 2019 “Nuts and Bolts”
Following the MPNA Focus Areas, the MPNA will focus on the following deliverables in 2019, powered by engaged committees of neighbors, and in collaboration with relevant stakeholders and jurisdictions 1. Transportation and Traffic Develop plans and timelines for putting in streetcar signaling along Cushing at streetcar ingress and egress points. Proactively establish a strategic plan...