THIS WEEK: Rare opportunity to meet with TUSD Superintendent Trujillo

Hello Menlo Park,

We have a rare opportunity to spend extended time with TUSD Superintendent Trujillo this Thursday at our neighborhood meeting. Come learn the future of TUSD education, what it means for our kids and those in our community, and also make the case for the re-opening of Menlo Park School! This is a key meeting to attend. This Thursday from 6pm-7:30pm at the Pima County Housing Center, 801 W. Congress. Draft Agenda and March minutes attached.

Plan to stay for the Neighborhood Listening Session and pizza afterwards.

Our outreach team has been hard at work delivering on our promise to you to get signs out in the community to promote our meetings so we get more voices and public input. Our meetings are also listed on NextDoor now. Check out pics attached of the signs you will see this week out and about!

More quick ways to engage:

– Please help the group of dedicated UA students helping our neighborhood develop a historic preservation plan by sharing your views on what aspects of the community’s heritage should be preserved in the face of increasing development pressures on the neighborhood. A short bilingual survey can be found at

– a Changing Downtown Focus Group. See attached.

– a neighborhood planning petition, see attached. (review and sign personally if interested; reflects your personal attitudes and thoughts on the planning department and neighborhoods).

See you Thursday!

Zach Yentzer, President