UPCOMING: An important meeting

Good evening Menlo!

Our June neighborhood meeting is an important one. Please note a slight time change for this meeting ONLY: Thursday, June 13 at 6:30pm at the Pima County Housing Center, 801 W. Congress.

Our agenda, draft forthcoming, will include:

1. A Caterpillar community representative will be visiting us to share updates on the headquarters in our neighborhood opening, what’s next, how we can work together in the neighborhood, and more.

2. Proposed bylaws change. Please review the attached (in yellow is current language, in red are proposed changes), based on the addition of 2 VPs per neighborhood vote in the last election.

3. A proposal for the neighborhood to invest resources in key planning and historical preservation work.

More information to follow. Most importantly, wanted to get the proposed bylaw changes in your hands to review and come prepared to vote on or suggest changes to. The rest is to encourage you to attend this very important meeting, again with more specifics to follow shortly! Whetting your whistle!

Please connect with me about any questions or concerns.

Zach Yentzer, President