On September 12th, 2024 and September 14th, 2024 Menlo Park Neighborhood Association and Barrio Sin Nombre Neighborhood Association respectively voted to approve the following letter reaffirming our mutual support for the Menlo Park & Barrio Sin Nombre Neighborhood Plan process.
Category: News
Menlo Park Neighborhood Tree Planting
Find out how to order your three free trees for the Menlo Park Neighborhood Tree Planting
El Rio Community Garden
El Rio on Congress had planned to pave over the Community Garden, located along North Melwood Avenue, in order to provide more employee parking for the busy Congress Clinics, however as of August 16th El Rio’s leadership team has informed Menlo Park Neighborhood Association that those plans are on hold while they gather more information...
26th Annual Día de San Juan Fiesta
June 24th, 6-9pm, Mission Garden, 946 W. Mission Lane San Juan Day celebrates the birthday of John the Baptist. In Tucson it is a day to celebrate the coming of the summer rains. Over two decades ago the celebration was revived in Tucson by the Menlo Park Neighborhood Association. This year it will again be...
Save the Date: Neighborhood Plan Open House, June 1st
The Menlo Park Neighborhood Plan Steering Committee will present the draft Vision, Goals, Policies, Future Land Use Map, and Future Land Use Definitions to the neighborhood at the Open House on June 1, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the YWCA of Southern Arizona. Please mark your calendars Menlo Park Neighborhood Plan Open House information:...
May Menlo Park Clean-Up
Join us Sunday, May 19th at 9am for the the third Sunday monthly Menlo Park park clean-up. Trash bags and pickers provided, but we encourage you to bring a sun hat, water bottle, and gloves. We meet near the exercise equipment in the northern half of the park. This effort is in partnership with Tucson...
Bylaw Changes Will be Voted on March 14, 2024
MENLO PARK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONUPCOMING MEETING ON PROPOSED BYLAW CHANGES Download draft version of proposed changes HERE Menlo Park Neighborhood Association residents and property owners are notified that at the next Menlo Park Neighborhood Association meeting changes to the Neighborhood Association, Bylaws will be discussed and voted on. Date/Time: Thurs., Mar. 14, 2024, 6 pm Place:...
Menlo park newsletter
Read the latest edition of the Menlo Park neighborhood newsletter Download the newsletter here.
25th Annual Día de san Juan Fiesta
June 24th, 6-10pm, Mission Garden, 946 W. Mission Lane San Juan Day celebrates the birthday of John the Baptist. In Tucson it is a day to celebrate the coming of the summer rains. Over two decades ago the celebration was revived in Tucson by the Menlo Park Neighborhood Association. This year it will again be held...
Casa Linda Pizza Party + Bicycle Boulevard Outreach
Mural Restoration at Casa Linda property, trash clean-up, pruning, and a PIZZA PARTY, with FREE bike repair and information about neighborhood traffic calming coming to Menlo Park, Saturday, April 29th, 4-6pm, 17 N Linda Ave. Join us to provide feedback on the plans for a Bicycle Boulevard, bring your bike for a free repair,...