
Home / Who We Are / Bylaws


This Neighborhood Association is formed to promote a meaningful and lasting relationship among neighbors and to promote the enhancement of the lifestyles found within and between this neighborhood and other neighborhoods.



This neighborhood association shall be known as the Menlo Park Neighborhood Association.  The area served by the Menlo Park Neighborhood Association is bounded as follows:

North boundary will start on St. Mary’s Road at Silverbell Road, going east to Interstate 10 and eastbound Frontage Road.

East boundary will start at Interstate 10 Freeway and St. Mary’s Road, going south to Simpson Street to the Santa Cruz River, to 22nd Street/Starr Pass.

South boundary will start at 22nd Street/Starr Pass. west to the Santa Cruz River, then to Greasewood Road.

West boundary is Greasewood Road at 22nd Street/Starr Pass, north on Greasewood to Anklam Road.

North boundary is Anklam Road east to Silverbell, Silverbell to St. Mary’s Road, which closes the boundary description.

But not to include those neighborhood associations previously formed within these boundaries unless by consent. (Panorama Estates)

As of the Association meeting on July 14, 2005, the area known as Barrio Kroeger Lane, is no longer included.  As a result of an agreed upon revision to the Barrio Kroeger Lane Neighborhood Association by the Menlo Park Neighborhood Association on December 8, 2022, the Barrio Kroeger Lane Neighborhood Association is now adjacent to rather than within the Menlo Park Neighborhood Association boundaries, which was its location when it was originally registered with the City in 2006.



The purpose for which this Association is formed is to promote, encourage and sponsor activities and projects of cultural, historical or archaeological importance within the Menlo Park neighborhood; to create an awareness of the uniqueness of the area; to improve the neighborhood, to maintain and enhance its aesthetic qualities, and ensure that it continues to be a quality residential neighborhood.

To encourage revitalization and preservation of Menlo Park Neighborhood, the included barrios and neighborhoods adjacent to Downtown, and promote representation and participation.

To provide a vehicle for neighborhood planning where open land exists, which shall be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. This planning shall include uses which shall enhance the lifestyle of the neighborhood.

To provide for desirable neighborhood improvements.

To create and participate in programs for social and human growth and development in the neighborhood.

To influence the location of businesses and services in the area which are compatible with the residential character of the neighborhood and to promote the existing businesses of the neighborhood.

To protect and enhance neighborhood schools, parks, churches and other social and recreational facilities.

To encourage the revitalization and preservation of inner-city neighborhoods of Tucson, AZ.

To maintain the commuter arterial designation of streets and oppose developments which would measurably increase traffic hazards for schools, churches and residents in adjoining neighborhoods.



A Voting Member shall be a person who resides or owns real property within the Menlo Park Neighborhood. A voting member shall be entitled to one vote providing that member is current and in good standing. However, each person who attends a Menlo Park Neighborhood Association meeting as a Voting Member or as a representative of a business, agency, or organization who is a Voting member and/or represents one or more businesses, agencies, or organizations who are Voting members, shall be entitled to no more than one vote.

Dues may be determined by the Neighborhood Association.




The officers of this Association shall hold office for a term of one year or until their successors are elected. The term of office shall begin at the close of the Annual Meeting. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
The President shall call and preside at all meetings, shall act for and on behalf of the membership of the Association, shall appoint any special committees necessary for the business of the Association and shall act as official spokesperson of the Association. The President shall implement decisions of the Association.
In addition, the President may appoint officers to fill vacancies on the Board and up to two at-large Board members to promote representation and participation, and/or fulfill a needed skill set or expertise for neighborhood goals. Appointments must be eligible voting members of the Association, and are to be presented to the Executive Board and to the full association for final approval, requiring a majority approval by the Executive Board first before bringing to the association for majority approval.
The Association may have two Vice Presidents. The First Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in his or her absence and shall be responsible for the observance of Robert’s Rules of Order in the absence of the Parliamentarian. The Second Vice President shall assume the duties of the First Vice President should the office become vacant. Both the First and Second Vice President shall perform duties as delegated or assigned by the President.
The Secretary shall keep a permanent record of all formal meetings and all legal documents and legal transactions of the Association. The Secretary shall transcribe the minutes of each meeting and shall transfer one copy of each set of minutes to the President and to the Historian of the Association. Copies shall be transferred as herein described within twenty-five (25) calendar days of the respective meeting occurrence. The Secretary shall be responsible for information regarding public relations and fundraising.
The Treasurer shall keep in his/her possession all receipts and a permanent record of all financial business of the association. An up-to-date financial report shall be submitted at each meeting. The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting dues. The Treasurer shall be responsible for membership status.
The Newsletter Editor/Historian shall create a regular newsletter and shall keep a permanent record of all items, publicity and history of the Association.
The Parliamentarian shall help the presiding Officer in running any meetings, and assure conformance to Roberts Rules of Order and any special rules of order the Association has adopted.
An officer shall not be limited in the number of consecutive terms in any one office, and no member shall hold more than one office at a time.

All records (minutes, financial) of the Officers are the property of the Association.



1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of all officers and appointed at-large members of the Association. They shall meet at least one week before the scheduled Association meeting to develop the agenda for that meeting. This committee can meet as frequently as needed to conduct the business of the Association. The Executive Committee may make recommendations of the required course of action to the Association.

2. Committees shall be: Any committee found necessary by the Neighborhood Association.

3. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, and shall appoint any special committees necessary for the operation of the business of the association.



Membership meetings shall be held regularly as agreed by the Association.

The Voting Members present shall constitute a quorum and shall include a minimum of five members, including 3 officers.

At least a ten (10) day notice shall be provided in advance of any regular monthly meeting. A special meeting may be scheduled with 72-hour notice to the membership by the most expedient means available.

The September membership meeting shall be the Annual Meeting. The purposes of this meeting shall be 1) the presentation of the Annual Reports of all the Officers, 2) the election of officers, and 3) the installation of officers elected.

Any officer of the Menlo Park Neighborhood Association who is absent for three (3) consecutive meetings of the association may be subject to removal.

Meeting attendance may be in person or virtual (either by telephone or online)

Voting at any meeting may take place either in-person or virtual (either by telephone or online)

Members wishing to vote by secret ballot may do so either in-person or online but not by telephone where a voice vote is required once eligibility to vote has been established



Withdrawal of Association funds over the amount of $100 must include two officer signatures, of which one must be the treasurer and the other may be the President or Vice President. All designated signators must be on file with the financial institution holding the Association’s account.

All withdrawals must have the majority approval of the Neighborhood Association.

A contingency fund of $400 shall be established for the purpose of maintaining the everyday operating expenses of the Association, defined as postage, and miscellaneous expenses of meetings and meeting places. The Treasurer must have approval of the Neighborhood Association to renew the contingency fund. Financial records and funds of the Association shall be audited at least once a year or as necessary by a committee of at least two members of the Neighborhood Association, appointed by the President and before a new Treasurer takes office.



The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Charter and Bylaws and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.



1. These bylaws may be amended in concurrence with or upon recommendation of the Neighborhood Association by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of a quorum.

2. Proposed amendments shall be sent to all members of the Association at least ten (10) days in advance of the meeting where action is to be taken or shall be read at the preceding meeting.

3. Neighborhood boundary changes, name changes, mergers, splits, dissolutions, or coalition formation will follow City of Tucson guidelines.



The Menlo Park Neighborhood Association and these, its Charter and Bylaws are hereby inaugurated and ratified on this date of December 3, 1994 by the signatures of its founding officers.


(Amended: January 24, 2021, August 15, 2022, December 8, 2022, September 14, 2023, March 14th, 2024)

Signed _____________________________________
Kylie Walzak, President, 2022-2023 and 2024

Signed _____________________________________
Liz Martinez, Treasurer