$5K Thriving Communities Grant from the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona Awarded to Grow Vecinos Initiative

Earlier this week Menlo Park was awarded a Thriving Communities Grant from the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, in the amount of $5,000, to bolster and grow our Vecinos Initiative (neighborhood ambassadors program) in 2022!

This on top of the $9,000 that will be in our neighborhood before the end of the year, from Caterpillar, to support tree planting (Mission Garden) and Dia de San Juan 2022, in Menlo!

Our Board made the strategic decision in our first year together to focus on using grants and philanthropic donations to support critical work in our neighborhood, and closing out the year with nearly $15,000 of said investment is a win!

If we don’t chat before, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all.

Zach Yentzer, President

Menlo Park Neighborhood Association