At the May 7 Neighborhood Workshop, the City of Tucson and the Planning Center shared a synopsis of the current conditions assesment of the Menlo Park neighborhood.
Read more about the workshop presentation and synopsis of the assessment.
The workshop participants were asked to share their priorities for Menlo Park neighborhood in these areas: transportation, housing, parks/recreation/open space, economic development and cultural/historic preservation. These priorities will be used in the development of the Menlo Park Neighborhood Plan.
Goals for the Menlo Park Neighborhood Plan
- Sets the vision for Menlo Park and includes the goals and policies guiding the vision and the strategies needed to implement the goals.
- Gives Menlo Park an increased ability to influence development in the neighborhood in a manner that furthers the overall intent of “Plan Tucson, City of Tucson General & Sustainability Plan.”
- Provides guidance for the preservation of the natural, historic, cultural, and human resources of the neighborhood, while accommodating the development needs of a growing community.
- Is part of an ongoing process for achieving and maintaining a healthy and sustainable neighborhood while balancing the continuing demands for future infill development of the Neighborhood.
How the City of Tucson will use the Plan
- Implement the goals and policies in “Plan Tucson: City of Tucson General & Sustainability Plan,” ratified by the voters in 2013;
- Provide guidance in the consideration of City initiatives and projects in the neighborhood; and
- Review rezonings, special exceptions, and variance requests for development in Menlo Park.